There is no reason to buy any share at any random price, check price, check technical you will get your answer, Overall there is no doubt about Sterlite Technologies company share price, but being a midcap share we have to take care of it by applying technical on it.

There is only one good pattern formation which is Supply-demand zone, which confirms our next buying point.

What is Demand-supply? That means finding out the maximum number of previous support and resistance in long-term charts. Then you will get some range of buying-selling.

Want to learn more about Demand and Supply zone then read my Quora Answer, a weekly chart will give you good kind of support and resistance.

Sterlite Technologies Good Demand zone at Rs 250-265 add some qty there and wait for more market fluctuations. There is no more pattern, so 250 is a good kind of support. The market will go through more fluctuations in upcoming 2-4 months, so add stocks as per your risk appetite.


Founder at CityInvest. Focused on Technical Analysis, 10 years Market experience, I'm Always learning and love to help, say hi!

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