One of the biggest Bank of Indian Economy is under Bear attack, due to some management issues and some regulatory issues, overall if you are looking for the big-time frame at least 3-4 years then we can say the price is near about bottom. These kinds of Bad news will keep building selling pressure in the market. For short term, everyone is in a panic because no one can imagine a big bank sliding down 30-45% in last3 months,…

After FD/RD there is one more way to park some liquid money but that comes with some kind of risk because these NCD ( Non-Convertable Debenture)  are from private companies not from Government. Overall people wait for Tax-free government bonds but these days there is no Tax-free bonds so one can park some of their money in these NCD’s. These NCD comes with some lock-in period, but this depends on one person’s holding capacity, below you…